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King Ludwig I. (1786-1868) had the strongest influence on the shape of the city of Munich. As he was a big admirer of the antique, he hired the architect Leopold of Klenze (1784-1864) in order to create several monumental buildings in greek-style.
The most impressive result can be seen at the Königsplatz: Facing each other you will find "the Glyptothek" (from Greek: glypte, meaning "carved stone") on the one and the Staatliche Antikensammlung [National Collection of Antiquities] on the other side. The Glyptothek houses a world famous collection of Greek and Roman Sculptures. To the west of the square an additional gate was built, which was named "the Propyläen".
Location: Königsplatz
How to get there: Underground-trains to station "Königsplatz"
Opening times: Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm, Thursday 10am-8pm, closed on Mondays
Admission charges / Entrance fees: regular 3,50€, reduced 2,50€, on Sundays 1€
More visitor information: <click here>
National Collection of Antiquities
Opening times: Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm, Wednesday 10am-8pm, closed on Mondays
Admission charges / Entrance fees: regular 3,50€, reduced 2,50€, on Sundays 1€
More visitor information: <click here>

National Collection of Antiquities